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quite simply the most beautiful album the gerogerigegege probably EVER put out. this one is a nothing more than a single track that contains one long gorgeous drone that lasts for almost an hour. the actual sound source remains a mystery, but according to the liner notes, no synthesizer was used in creating this album. it is probably a guitar tuner put through several effects pedals, most notably chorus, flanger, and reverb. several layers of these wonderful drones are overlapped and they create an incredibly soothing wash of subtle harmony with lots of timbre. for all those gero haters who thought the group was a one trick pony, this album, along with endless humiliation and hell driver proves just how engaging juntaro can actually be when it comes to creating interesting music. this was actually recorded in 1987 and mastered in 1999 by juntaro and tatsuya yoshida (RUINS), who seems to be a reoccurring gero regular. this album will most notably strike a cord with those into minimal ambient music, most notably coil's latter day ambient output, jk broaderick's FINAL, and some of aphex twin's selected ambient works. the cd is beautifully packaged in a digipack with a simple line drawing of a horse and little boy on the front cover. the back cover is an old black and white photo of a little boy sitting upon what appears to be the plastic replica of the old japanese cult cartoon figure ULTRA-MAN. this one is kinda hard to track down, but it should still be readily available as it is one of the most recent gero releases.
put out by mink records in 1999.
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