"Fuck compose, Fuck melody, Dedicated to no one, Thanks to no one, ART IS OVER".
-Juntaro Yamanouchi
Gero Istvan (review, scan, erectric cord): istvanmatis 'at' hotmail
Gero Drogy (webmonster): gerosite 'at' artnotart
Gero CNC (additional scan)
Gero Gline (track listings)
Gero Gilles (additional scan)
Gero Gillham (additional scan, info): gillhamjugend 'at' hotmail
Gero Groves (additional info)
Gero Sebastian (additional scan, review & info): sgn_1012 'at' hotmail
Gero Tallen (additional scan, review & info): tallen 'at' hotbrev
Gero Zach (additional review): zac7777777 'at' hotmail '
contacts are 'dot com' unless otherwise noted
graphics based on Gero designs, no overdub, no speed.