compiled from un-public audio library of the gerogerigegege by juntaro yamanouchi


a fairly straight forward and decent compilation of live music performed by the gerogerigegege from the years 1987 - 1988. the cover and back are photos of some crowd from what appears to be the 1940's. four very different musical approaches. the first track is a very simple, yet ultimately rewarding noise jam built solely on a minimal bass line and drum beat over the feedback of a guitar. very 'rock.' the 2nd and 3rd tracks (which are indexed incorrectly as 1 long track) both show off the completely unpredictable live sound of the gerogerigegege even more. the first part of the track is simply weird flute-like moments of ambience-laden feedback with the occasional burst of what sounds like firecrackers. a recording of a british women speaking is also fairly audible throughout the recording. the track abruptly ends to make way for the 'classic' gero crowd favorite, "anal beethoven." a fast punk drumbeat combined with a small wall of feedback and juntaro screaming. totally gnarly. the final track doesn't even sound like its live. lo-fi electronics and lots of talking and groaning. i leave it at that.
put out by sound factory records 1996.
Additional information:
This CD was released in the UK by Fourth Dimension with a different cover (see below).
