170 SONGS!!

instruments disorder

instruments disorder
[track listing]

the afore mentioned message on the back of the cd sums it all up in those 4 short words. a truly bizarre and incredible blast of noise that shatters the senses all on one long track. teamed up with guitarist/bassist fumiyoshi suzuki of the japanese noise group NP and tatsuya yoshida of the ever infamous 'progressive-hardore' rock duo RUINS, juntaro unleashes one hell of a punch on this cd. the production is truly incredible. with everything recorded at such a high level, its amazing to me that you can even make out the sound of a guitar being used or a snare drum being hit. the overall sound is very treble based, however with the proper bass boost or an adequate stereo equalizer, one can pick out and hear the many little nuances of pure feedback all throughout the cd. quite literally a explosion of sound from start to finish. people who are into predominately JAPANESE liner notes should find a lot of merit and meaning in deciphering this undecipherable wall of pure trashy noise. sometimes slower, sometimes faster, but unrelenting and intense throughout. with song titles such as, "clitoridecotmy," "dishonorable discharge," and "dishonorable discharge #2," its highly recommended for people who like anal cunt's song titles but not their music. the cover is a picture of a bunch of kids from what appears to be a yearbook. your guess is as good as mine.

out on mediacapsule records 1994.
